My weekly wine recommendations are the following:
1) For a cheap, yet good tasting white wine...I would recommend Villa Maria Sauvignon Blanc. This has been a staple in my life since I discovered it in 2001 at a wine tasting in Allston. For it's price, it is suprisingly good! It's definitely a spring/summer wine (although you can def. be like me and drink it year round). I'm bad when it comes to what wine tastes like (wtf is gooseberry, anyway?) - but even I can tell you that this wine is heavy on the citrus....lime...grapefruit..with a bite. It's delicious, but def not rich and if you are a huge fan of the oaky/buttery chardonnays from Cali..this might not be your favorite pick.
2) For a cheap, fantastic red I would recommend Layer Cake Shiraz. I first had this wine in 2006 and it has also become a favorite of mine. I believe they make a Malbec as well, but I've never had it. If it's as good as the Shiraz (which I normally hate) then you're in for a treat. One to learn a wine tidbit? Shiraz is made from the same grape that Syrah is. Anyway...this wine is suiting of it's name. It's dark and decadent. If I had to pick any underlying flavors I would say chocolate....and heavy cream.'s still light. Delicious.
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