Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Adventures in Cheap Cooking From An Extremely Busy Mom

So as part of my plan to cut down on grocery expenses, I am trying to come up with cheap, cheap recipes. Unfortunately today it snowed hardcore and my one hour plus commute to work did not leave much time for me to make my chicken in the slow cooker.

Anyway, I got home this afternoon and looked in the 'fridge to see if Demonian had defrosted the chicken breasts I had asked him too. He defrosted chicken thighs, which I had bought in bulk because they are so cheap. This is fine, but he defrosted them ALL so I need to make chicken thighs for two days. I rearranged my meal plan to accomodate my cream cheese chicken ($5 meals for 4 people, so one night + one lunch) and I decided fuck it, I'm going to make up my own recipe tonight.

Currently I have four chicken thighs marinating in the refridgerator in a mixture of lime juice, honey, soy sauce, and sesame oil. I'm going to marinate them for another hour, then throw them in the oven at 350 for about 40-45 minutes, cool them, and then slice them. I'm going to boil up two packets of ramen noodles (NO SAUCE PACKETS - GROSS) with some asian style frozen veggies (courtesy of birdseye - on sale at Walmart this weekend) and a honey soy sauce I'm going to make, then toss with the chicken. I'll let you know how it turns out!


  1. Ooh, that sounds good. I do a similar sauce with fish. Honey, lime, macadamia, soy, and sesame oil. :) How did it work out?

  2. Chicken thighs are great and very flexible. It must be tough trying to cook when you commute. I was/am lucky to work at home so sometimes I can throw stuff in the crockpot at my lunch break. is one of my favorite chicken thigh recipes, but it still takes an hour. But your idea of cooking them ahead is spot on.

  3. Actually, they came out pretty good!! I was happy, Damien was happy, and all in all it was a super inexpensive meal to make. I think the acidity in the lime really helps to break down some of the toughness in the meat that can occur from baking :)
    I will have to try the chicken thighs recipe :)
