Monday, March 22, 2010

Great Weekend :-)

I had such a nice weekend. Friday I found out that I officially was accepted to the nursing program that I worked so hard to study for. Then we went out for Indian food and came home and had some red wine. It was nice.
Saturday we went to my aunt and uncle's house to return my cousin's bassinet. Their house is on a lake and it is very beautiful. Ben got to meet his second cousin, Alexendria, and we had a really nice dinner.
Sunday Damien took Ben over to see some of his family members.... AND I GOT TO SLEEP IN!!!! Woohoo!!! I slept from from 11 pm - 11 am. When I got up, I made myself some coffee, read the paper, and had a nice breakfast. This might not seem like a big deal...but it's the first time I've had any time to myself in a long while. Then I went shopping. I hit up Target to pick out some stage 2 food for Ben Ben (he gets to move up to meats!). Did you know that they make jarred stage 2 macaroni and cheese dinners? YUCK! That is SO not nutritious. I tried to pick out some healthy things, like chicken and apples, turkey and wild rice, apples and peaches, etc etc. I also got some work clothes for myself, because I haven't bought anything for myself in a really long time. Oh! And I also got a 10 inch springform pan that I've been wanting (so I can make tarts).
Sunday afternoon I went food shopping and cleaned the house. All in all it was a great weekend!


  1. congrats on getting in to the nursing program!

    - Lisa

  2. Congrats on the nursing program!
    I bought one jar of the Mac and Cheese for Gage once and once only he hated it the face he made was priceless. Momma totally got the hint!
