Wednesday, March 24, 2010

An Ode to Toblerone

This might be kind of a stupid blog post, but I just wanted to let everyone know how much I love Toblerone. It's a whole lot of fantastic.

My love affair with toblerone began in early 2005. I weighed about 120 pounds and hadn't really eaten carbs in over a year. I decided to visit my brother and his now wife in Maryland and rode down w/ my brother. The trip was going very smoothly until we hit traffic in Maryland. I started whining to him that I was hungry. He directed me to a yellow package in the backseat.

"What is this?" I asked him.
"It's Toblerone - chocolate," he answered.

Keep in mind that at this point, I don't think I had had chocolate in months, possibly even a year. But I was starving.

"Okay, I'll just have one piece," I told him, "Just one!"

Uhhh no. I had one piece and it was, like I said, a whole lot of fantastic. It was all over for me right there. That one piece turned into me eating their whole entire stash of toblerone. I buy it at airports (duty freeeeee!!), and I always have at least a triangle in the freezer.

My other favorite candy are kinder eggs, but that is a whole different story.


  1. I remember that trip. I believe we made record time down to the land of Mary.

    From your post, I gather that you like Toblerone. However, what makes you like it over other candies? Is it the chocolate itself? Maybe the almond pieces? The packaging?

    The internet needs to know these things!

  2. What I love about toblerone:

    1) Milk chocolate
    2) honey
    3) nougat pieces
    4) almonds
    5) cool shape
    6) bright yellow packaging means that I can find it in my purse easily
